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Dafne Srl. Terms And conditions


General terms and conditions pursuant to art. 1341 c.c. for public offer pursuant to art. 1336 c.c. unattended parking service

1. INTRODUCTION The General Conditions of Contract contained in these Regulations govern the relationship of a private nature between the person who accesses the regulated parking areas at the PARCHEGGGIO Centro Storico Dafne S.R.L. and take advantage of the unattended parking of the vehicle in the specific areas indicated (the User) and the DAFNE S.R.L, located in Cortile Belvedere Snc Cefalù (PA)

2. SUBJECT These Regulations govern the rules for accessing and parking vehicles in the various regulated parking areas at the Dafne S.R.L. car park, as well as the conditions of use of these areas open to public users in regulated areas.
The parking and parking of a vehicle within the regulated areas provided by Dafne S.r.l. they do not constitute any obligation of custody and / or deposit on the latter. It should be noted, therefore, that the deposit, as well as the custody of the vehicle and any other objects contained within the vehicle are NOT the subject of this Regulation, nor of the parking contract. vehicle access and the temporary use and occupation of the road and rest areas provided in the regulated areas within the Dafne car park,. Anyone intending to put his car under a "remittance" with custody is obliged to give direct communication to the Manager's staff before leaving the vehicle, physically delivering the keys of the vehicle parked to the personnel appointed by the Manager who can move the vehicle to another parking sector. The parking user is also obliged to communicate his / her own data, those of the person who will take care of the collection of the vehicle, as well as the data relating to the vehicle itself (model, color, license plate, ownership header); in this case the additional cost of the service is € 30.00 per day, in addition to the rate shown if requested by the parking attendant.

The User accesses his vehicle by withdrawing at the entrance the relative ticket issued automatically by the column placed at the entrance barrier to the parking lot or by the detection of an electronic device (eg reading plates, smartphone). The parking service provides for the payment of a variable fee calculated on the basis of the total time of stay and / or parking in the regulated area, in addition to the free allowance allowed, as shown below in this article; the payment consideration due must be paid before leaving the vehicle from the same parking area. Furthermore, after making the payment, the time to exit the vehicle from the parking lot is limited.
FREE EXCURSION: It is specified that for each type of regulated parking area there is always a free allowance equal to a maximum limit expressed in the number of minutes granted to the vehicle that accesses the entrance / loading operations only / fast discharge and exit. The number of minutes granted free of charge is shown in the respective rate card of each car park, as specified below. In the case of multiple entrances by the same vehicle during the same day, this free franchise is granted, however, only up to a maximum threshold of 3 (three) inputs / day by the same vehicle; therefore, starting from the fourth entry of the same vehicle is no longer recognized as free and automatically triggers the toll with a variable payment fee, calculated based on the time of stay / parking of the vehicle in the area, as also indicated in the tariffs displayed at the parking entrances, at the automatic cash machines, at the Car Park, as well as at the following internet links: http: //www.cefaluparking .com /

4. CONDIZIONI DI UTILIZZO DELLE AREE DI PARCHEGGIO Per effetto del ritiro del biglietto di parcheggio e lo stazionamento del veicolo nell'area, rilevato anche tramite altri dispositivi elettronici o telematici (ad es.: telecamere, etc.), l'Utente conclude e perfeziona un contratto tacito di parcheggio avente per oggetto la sola messa a disposizione dell'area di sosta NON custodita, per il quale valgono le Condizioni Generali di Contratto di cui al presente Regolamento, predisposte come offerta al pubblico ex art. 1336 C.C. da DAFNE S.R.L. in qualità di fornitore dell'area di parcheggio. Nel caso di mancata accettazione delle presenti Condizioni Generali viene consentito all'utenza di uscire dal parcheggio con il veicolo senza corresponsione di corrispettivo, purché ciò avvenga senza ritardo e comunque entro il periodo di franchigia consentita sopra citato. Nel parcheggio vanno sempre rispettate le norme del nuovo Codice della Strada vigente, che regolano la circolazione dei veicoli. L'Utente è sempre tenuto ad osservare scrupolosamente la segnaletica apposta nel parcheggio e nella viabilità, nonché tutte le disposizioni di legge e regolamentazioni vigenti.L'Utente è tenuto a parcheggiare il veicolo negli appositi spazi delimitati dalle strisce conformemente alla segnaletica orizzontale e verticale del parcheggio e si dovrà attenere alle istruzioni ed alle richieste del personale della Dafne S.R.L., o da essa incaricato, in modo da consentire un sollecito disbrigo di qualsiasi operazione di parcheggio o circolazione. Ogni posto auto presente in ciascuna delle aree predisposte per il parcheggio - delimitato dalle apposite strisce prescritte dalla segnaletica orizzontale - deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente per il parcheggio di un solo veicolo a motore. Si fa presente che nel parcheggiare il veicolo deve essere assolutamente rispettata la delimitazione apposta sulla pavimentazione. Nel caso in cui il veicolo acceda in violazione delle regole stabilite oppure risulti parcheggiato irregolarmente o semplicemente al di fuori degli appositi stalli di sosta o invadendo due posti auto, Dafne S.r.l potrà applicare una penale pari al doppio del corrispettivo dovuto per la sosta. Dafne S.r.l. ha inoltre la facoltà di rimuovere con un carro attrezzi i veicoli che possano concretamente recare danni a persone o a cose; le spese del carro attrezzi e successivo deposito del veicolo restano a carico dell'Utente. Dafne S.rl. ha la facoltà, altresì, se richiesto dalle competenti autorità, di rimuovere i veicoli per ragioni di sicurezza aeroportuale e/o per consentire l'effettuazione di lavori all'interno delle aree regolamentate, spostando i veicoli in aree diverse da quelle originariamente scelte dall'Utente. L'Utente è tenuto a parcheggiare il veicolo sempre con il freno a mano inserito, con porte e cofani bloccati (chiusi a chiave) e quindi uscire subito dall'area di parcheggio. L'area di parcheggio e le relative attrezzature debbono essere utilizzate con proprietà ed accuratezza da parte di tutti gli utenti; eventuali danni cagionati da parte dell'Utente per uso improprio saranno riparati a sue spese. L'Utente ha l'obbligo di attenersi alle istruzioni date da parte del personale addetto ed in particolare del personale del parcheggio centro storico Dafne a cui è affidata la gestione operativa, al fine di consentire un sollecito disbrigo di qualsiasi operazione di parcheggio; in ogni caso dovrà essere data ottemperanza alle eventuali istruzioni o richieste del personale summenzionato. Eventuali violazioni di disposizioni di legge o regolamenti vigenti possono avere come diretta conseguenza, nel caso di abbonamento, la sospensione immediata dell'abbonamento stesso; nel caso invece di parcheggio a sosta breve, le eventuali violazioni commesse comportano l'esclusione di ulteriore futuro utilizzo del parcheggio. E' fatto assoluto divieto ai pedoni di percorrere a piedi le rampe carrabili di accesso ai piani; è obbligatorio porre la massima attenzione in ogni attraversamento ed in generale nella circolazione all'interno delle aree regolamentate. All'interno delle aree di parcheggio, la circolazione veicolare va effettuata tassativamente a "passo d'uomo".
DIVIETI: In particolare è fatto divieto assoluto:
a) di fumare e di utilizzare fuoco o luci aperte;
b) di accedere alle aree di sosta senza diritto e/o valido titolo;
c) di accedere alle aree di sosta da parte dei motoveicoli, fatte salve le aree a questi appositamente dedicate;
d) di effettuare lo scarico e il deposito di oggetti di qualsiasi specie, soprattutto se infiammabili.
e) to refuel, repair, change oil, wash the vehicle, recharge batteries, accumulators, etc. and in general perform any maintenance operation to the vehicle;
f) to stand for a long time with the engine running, to heat it and / or to sound the horn without reason;
g) to park vehicles with leaks from the tanks and / or affected by other defects likely to cause any damage to the road and parking areas;
h) to park without the specific consent of the operator of Dafne S.r.l vehicles without a regulatory plate or authorized replacement plate;
i) to park the vehicle in transit areas and / or in front of the emergency exits;
j) entering / exiting the parking areas with vehicles that exceed the maximum height indicated at the entrances;
k) queue up in or out of the area to the vehicle in front.
Access to and parking in parking areas is forbidden to campers and vans in general, and in any case to all vehicles exceeding the dimensions of the stalls or vehicles exceeding even one of the following maximum sizes allowed: 5.00 mt x 2.50 meters; height: 2.10 m. The User who intends to leave the vehicle parked for a period of more than 30 days must inform the Dafne S.R.L; after this deadline without this prior information, the vehicles will be considered abandoned and Dafne S.R.L. may proceed - upon notice to the holder of the vehicle - to the removal and forced execution according to the regulations in force.
Moreover, the parking lot is exclusively dedicated to users who use the stalls for non-professional purposes. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to use the stalls or any space inside the parking area by companies or other subjects for the performance of any professional activity (eg companies or professionals operating in the field of passenger transport also free of charge, Navette Hotel, Parking Shuttles, Car Rental Shuttles, Taxis, NCC, TPL), without prior written authorization from Dafne SRL Any action taken by the User to circumvent and / or reduce the payment of the parking fee or otherwise in violation of the provisions of the law and / or airport or parking regulations, will legitimize the Manager to take legal action with the competent Judicial Authority. Access to all regulated parking areas is allowed to the public users only to carry out the following operations: entry, loading / unloading, parking, short or long stay, payment, pick up and exit. For reasons related to the maintenance of high levels of security in the airport, the entry and stay in these areas are not allowed without the reasons mentioned above, since the extremes necessary to justify a valid need are not recognized otherwise. The staff of Dafne S.R.L. commissioned can verify the existence of these requirements, requesting the test to the user. Pedestrians are also required to respect the specially designed walking sections, always placing the utmost attention in circulation, travel and / or crossings.

5. LIABILITY AND PENALTIES Regulated and parking areas and related equipment must be used with care and attention; any damage caused by the User for improper use of the car park will result in the debit of all related costs. Any claims for damages attributable to the Dafne S.R.L.o to their staff must be tested and, where possible, reported to the staff present before leaving the car park. In case of loss of the entrance ticket to the parking area (where provided in the access with the bar) a minimum lump sum equal to € 1 will be due; 50.00. In any case, the possibility of the operating personnel to ascertain also a possible period of stay that involves the payment of a higher amount is made. By virtue of this assessment, a further increase can be applied to the amount due. Also with regards to the loss of the parking card, the same consequences as for the loss of the ticket are valid, that is to say exclusively at the customer's expense. Given that the object of the Contract consists exclusively in the offer of the parking service, with temporary use of the parking stalls to the User, it is reiterated that this does NOT assume any burden of custody, surveillance and / or storage of the vehicle and / or objects contained in it. Moreover, in consideration of the number of parked vehicles and the system (and speed) of entry / exit of the vehicles themselves, it is not however possible for the personnel involved to intervene promptly on the behavior of third parties. Therefore, you are NOT responsible for any damage caused by third parties for theft, subtraction and / or break-ins. Finally, it is specified that the parking available to users does NOT figure as a storage service as per D.P.R. n. 480/2001 and the present case of service qualifies, however, as an offer of a non-guarded parking. The penalties and / or other charges placed upon the User can be paid alternatively at the manual cash desk, on the postal or bank account provided, indicating the number of the penalty, the car license number and all the personal data requested of the User. In addition, the payment of penalties which takes place after 15 days will result in the charge of an additional 15.00 euros due for expenses related to the management of the file with such delay.

6. OPERATIVITY All the regulated areas of access and parking at the historical center parking lot are open to the public according to the current season and published and displayed outside and inside the car park and on the site of the same.

7. FEES AND PAYMENT METHODS Rates are displayed to the public before entry and at the entrances to the parking areas, as well as at the Car Park. The payment of the fee due for the stay and stop made - if not already made through, subscription cards or other possible systems for payment of the fee - must be paid to the Guarded Parking Lot or at the automatic cash machines available before the vehicle is picked up. It should also be remembered that after the payment of the balance of the scheduled fare has been made, the time to leave the parking space with the vehicle is limited. Other payment methods are accessible to public users online, on the website made available by the historic Dafne Srl car park at: http: // www. cefaluparking.com/ .

8. COMPLAINTS Without prejudice to the right of defense and remedies including jurisdiction provided by the Italian legal system for its protection, the User for any clarification, information and / or complaint can contact Dafne S.R.L. Cortile Belvedere Snc Cefalù (Pa) 90015 Tel. 3927546295 email: info@cefaluparking.it any duly motivated and documented compensation claims must be immediately reported to the staff operator before leaving the vehicle from the parking area.

9. PRIVACY POLICY Inside the parking lot, a video surveillance system is used exclusively for the pursuit of security and protection purposes for the people and assets of the management system, as well as to verify the timely compliance with what is regulated by this Regulation , in compliance with current legislation on privacy and protection of personal data. There is also a plate reading system that records the number plate of the vehicles at the time the ticket is collected to allow, at the end of the stop, and once the payment has been made, the exit from the car park without the need to show the ticket itself, thus facilitating the outflow of vehicles. In the execution of contractual obligations, and in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, "Code regarding the protection of personal data" (hereinafter the "Code") and subsequent amendments, Dafne SRL, as Data Controller, will collect and process the personal data of the User provided by them for the purposes of the parking service. In compliance with the provisions of art. 13 of the Code, all information concerning the purposes and methods of data processing of the User, the mandatory or optional nature of the data provided, the subjects to whom such data may be provided, the User's rights (including the modification of such data or the cancellation of the same), are contained in the information on the Privacy Dafne SRL - exposed in the parking areas - that the user is expressly invited to read before accessing the parking lot, or regarding online purchases by consulting the following link: http://www.cefaluparking.com/ It is also specified that the Data Controller is Società Dafne SRL Cortile Belvedere Snc Cefalù (Pa) 90015 Tel. 3927546295 email: info@cefaluparking.it

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